Oreka Confirming Solution
A solution that will accelerate SAP implementation and optimise financial management
Avoid cash flow problems and optimise supplier payments with our SAP Confirming solution. This service from financial institutions enables suppliers to be paid before the due date, offering benefits such as reduced administrative work, better negotiation for prompt payment discounts, improved liquidity, deductible financial expenses, and greater security in the supply chain, without affecting the indebtedness in the CIRBE (Central Credit Register of the Bank of Spain).
Aimed at companies that use SAP and are thinking of exploring confirming services with their financial institution for the first time, or extending existing ones.
Reduced administrative work: The automation of the payment process reduces manual tasks and streamlines payment management, simplifying the administrative burden.
Better negotiating position for prompt payment discounts: Prepayments allow companies to negotiate better conditions, such as prompt payment discounts.
Improved liquidity: Confirming improves liquidity by allowing suppliers to be paid before the due date. Also, the resulting financial expenses are deductible in corporate income tax.
Increased supply chain security: By ensuring that suppliers do not face liquidity problems, the stability of the supply chain is reinforced, minimising the risk of disruptions.

What technological solutions are included?
By maximising the standard power of SAP Data Medium Exchange Engine allows for quickly adapting the client’s SAP system to their needs regarding operating with Confirming, defining bank file formats that meet the requirements of any financial institution, with bidirectional communication. The general non-use of customised developments and the maximum reliance on the standard SAP enables a faster implementation and less of a need for subsequent maintenance of the solution.
Request a demo
Find out how our solutions can transform your business! Schedule a demo and our experts will guide you through any products you may be interested in.