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Solution to meet legal obligations on non-reusable packaging containing plastics

Oreka IT has created this custom solution to address the legal obligations set out in the state waste law (Law 7/2022 of 8 April), which aims to reduce the use of non-reusable packaging containing plastic.

Aimed at companies that need to declare plastic tax on the manufacture, sale, import or intra-Community acquisition of packaging containing non-reusable plastic.



Simple solution, based on everything we have learned from our clients’ business processes.


A functional development that is limited to responding in a practical way to agreed state requirements.


A flexible solution that adapts to the specific processes and needs of each company.


Possibility of acting as a HUB/node for different sources of information.


What legal obligations does it cover?

    • Accounting obligations.
    • Registration obligations.
    • Tax obligations.

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