we care for your data privacy

Privacy policy

Anonimous navigation in this site, www.orekait.com. We collect data from visitors only for researching statistics and improve our service. This information is completely anonimous and can not be associated with any particular user. Management of this data is done by Google Analytics.


We use our own cookies and third-party cookies so as to improve our service, and show advertisments based on your navigation habits. If you continue with the navigation, we consider that you accept these cookies. You can change this configuration or get more information about it. 

Oreka IT is not responsible, in any case, for harms caused by mistakes or missing information or accesibility problems around this site. We are not responsible for the content of external links used in this site.

Warranties and responsibilities

Oreka IT is not responsible, in any case, for harms caused by mistakes or missing information or accesibility problems around this site. We are not responsible for the content of external links used in this site.

Information given by users

Information given by users is given voluntarily, and will be used only with purposes explained in this document. It will not be shared with third-party entities.

Modifications in this document

This legal document can be changed anytime, and will be correctly updated in this page. Validity os these conditions is related to their exposition, and will be acceptable until new ones are correclty published. 

data protection policy


NIF: B01451756 l. Postal address: Avda. de los Olmos 1–  IV Building – 243 Office

Phone: 945 067 219. Email: orekait@orekait.com


Potential customer's data

We use information you provide us for sending advertisments and information related to our services, so as to invite you to events organized by us, via phone, e-mail or postal mail. We keep this data untill you ask us to erase it, or until commercial relationship is finished. We do not share this data with third-part entities, unless it is a legal request.

You can access, modify or erase your data from our files if they are incorrectly used, and you have the right to know if we are using your data.  

Candidate's data

We use information provided in order to inform you about vacancies in our company. Data will be collected until vacancy is no longer available, or until you ask us to erase it. You can access, modify or erase your data if it is no longer useful, and you have the right to know if we are using your information. This information is not shared with third-part entities.